Chci se objednat

Our Experts

Mgr. Adam JANEK, MHA, MBA, LL.M.

Mgr. Adam JANEK, MHA, MBA, LL.M.

Company director, member of the board of directors

Mgr. Adam Janek, MHA, MBA, LL.M. is a graduate of the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University in Brno. He further completed the MHA (Master of HealthCare Administration) executive program focused on healthcare management at the Advance Healthcare Management Institute in Prague, and the MBA (Master of Business Administration) program with a focus on corporate economics and marketing at the University of Economics and Management in Prague. In 2022, he successfully completed the internationally recognized LL.M. program specializing in Healthcare Law at the Faculty of Law of Charles University. He has been working at the Eye Centre Prague since May 2011.

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Clinic manager

Ivana Svobodová graduated from a secondary vocational school with a high school diploma, specializing in Communications Operator. She has been working at the Eye Centre Prague since September 2015—initially as an Office Manager and, since May 2023, as the Clinic Manager.

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Chairman of the board

Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of the Eye Centre Prague. Ing. Ján Kriška founded the company CMI s.r.o. in Bratislava in 1990, and two years later, in 1992, he established CMI s.r.o. in Prague—he is still serving as the CEO and managing director of both companies and is also the majority owner.

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