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We believe in what we do

We stand behind the quality of our work and believe in what we do. The proof is that we ourselves recommend our clinic to others, and our relatives, friends, and acquaintances undergo examinations and surgeries with us.

Our doctors who underwent surgery with us

OCP laserová operace ReLex Smile naše lékařky Lucie Frantlová, MD and Dana Fillová, MD underwent ReLex SMILE laser surgery together on the same day in November 2020. They are still thrilled with their decision to be free from glasses and contact lenses and enjoy quality vision.
OCP ReLex SMILE MUDr. Aneta Novotná MUDr. Aneta Novotná underwent ReLex SMILE laser surgery in February 2023. She is now thrilled with her new vision without glasses and contact lenses.


Our relatives and friends who underwent surgery with us

Božena a Jan Uhrovi
Chief Doctor Radan Zugar's cousin and her husband – underwent surgery in February 2025.

friends of Chief Doctor Radan Zugar underwent surgery in November 2024.
the mother of outpatient nurse Klára Slezáková underwent surgery in November 2024.
the mother-in-law of reception manager Radka Rybníčková, underwent surgery in May 2024.

Jindřiška Čiperová

the mother of operation assistant Renáta Husáková, underwent surgery in March 2024.

Zuzana Koepcká - Věříme tomu, co děláme

Zuzana Kopecká

the mother of medical representative Lukáš Kopecký, underwent surgery in May 2023.

OCP operace - maminka office manažerky

Věra Dvořáková

the mother of clinic manager Ivana Svobodová, underwent surgery in February 2023.

věříme tomu, co děláme Ladislav Zúber

Ladislav Zúber

the father of Dr. Andrea Janeková, FEBO, underwent cataract surgery in May 2019.

OCP Veříme tomu, co děláme

Václav Strouhal

the uncle of Dr. Andrea Janeková, FEBO, underwent surgery in June 2022.

Emil Kolínský, věříme tomu, co děláme

Emil Kolínský

the grandfather of Dr. Dana Fillová, underwent cataract surgery in May 2019.

Eva Matyášová, věříme tomu, co děláme

Eva Matyášová

the parents of our head nurse Jana Barchánková—her father underwent cataract surgery in January 2019, and her mother underwent cataract surgery in May 2019.

věříme tomu, co děláme - Zdeňka Zugarová

Zdeňka Zugarová

the mother of our Chief Doctor of the Clinic Radan Zugar, underwent cataract surgery in December 2018.

Mrs. Hralová

a close friend of the parents of our specialist Dr. Lucie Frantlová, underwent surgery in December 2018.

OCP Věříme tomu, co děláme

Eva Barchánková

the mother-in-law of our head nurse Jana Barchánková, underwent cataract surgery in March 2018.

OCP Věříme tomu, co děláme

Ing. František Zugar

the father of our Chief Doctor of the Clinic Radan Zugar, underwent cataract surgery in March 2016.

OCP Věříme tomu, co děláme

Božena Boháčová

the grandmother of our director Adam Janek, underwent cataract surgery in October 2014.

