Emil Kolínský
The grandfather of MUDr. Dana Černohubá

""Everything went perfectly!""
In May 2019, Mr. Emil Kolínský, the grandfather of our retina specialist MUDr. Dana Fillová (Černohubá), underwent cataract surgery with us. He joined the ranks of our relatives and acquaintances who have shown us their utmost trust and entrusted themselves to our care.
Mr. Kolínský was operated on by Associate Professor Jiří Pašta, and the surgery went perfectly—much to Mr. Kolínský's surprise, it was also very quick and painless. He reportedly appreciated the clinic’s environment as well as the approach of all the nurses and the Associate Professor.
As Mr. Kolínský shared with his granddaughter during a follow-up visit:
"Everything went perfectly. I have no issues and am very happy with my new vision!"