Iluš, a friend of our surgical nurse
After surgery PRELEX

"BEAUTY! If I had known there was nothing to be afraid of, I would have gone for the surgery a long time ago."
The best birthday gift: SEEING CLEARLY! That's exactly what Ilona, also known as Iluš, a friend and fitness partner of our surgical nurse Jana Veverková, gave herself for her milestone birthday!
She underwent PRELEX surgery with trifocal intraocular lenses with us, thanks to which she can now see clearly and completely without glasses. She was operated on by Professor Zugar, and Nurse Jana assisted during the procedure. Iluš's first words right after the surgery were: 'BEAUTY!'
And she will certainly make good use of her new vision—Iluš is very active, sporty, and even has 5 grandchildren already. She was very satisfied with her experience at OCP, and if she had known there was nothing to be afraid of, she would have gone for the surgery a long time ago.