Kevin Taylor
After surgery PRELEX

"I will recommend OCP and the surgery to all my friends!"
Kevin Taylor from the UK came to us for PRELEX surgery and underwent the exchange of intraocular lenses.
He was operated on by Associate Professor Jiří Pašta, who implanted EDOF Vivity intraocular lenses from Alcon—lenses with an extended depth of focus. After the surgery, Kevin was free from glasses for near, intermediate, and distance vision.
In the operating room, he was an exemplary patient, and when the nurses praised him, he clarified that he was from Wales—just like his favorite singer Tom Jones, the Tiger from Wales. Immediately after the surgery, he even sang for everyone in the operating room!
Kevin was truly thrilled with the surgery and all the care he received from us, and he recommends the surgery at OCP to everyone!