Ladislav Zúber
the father of Andrea Janeková, MD, FEBO

"I am more than thrilled with the results."
In May 2019, Mr. Ladislav Zúber, the father of our Dr. Andrea Janeková, underwent cataract surgery on both eyes with us.
He was operated on by Associate Professor Pašta, and multifocal intraocular lenses were implanted. Mr. Zúber shared his thoughts on the surgery and his new vision:
"Before the surgery, I wore glasses for distance and reading, and without them, my world was completely blurry. Thanks to the staff at Eye Centre Prague, the surgery went quickly and smoothly; everyone was very accommodating and helpful during the examinations and the procedure itself. I am more than thrilled with the results; just a few days after the surgery, I could read the newspaper without glasses and recognize familiar faces when walking down the street. I can also fully enjoy my hobby of mountain hiking and no longer need to search for my glasses when I want to read a story to my granddaughter."
Mr. Zúber has joined the family and friends of our staff who have placed their utmost trust in us and entrusted themselves to our care!