Ing. František Zugar
the father of the Chief Physician at OCP

"My nervousness in the operating room faded almost immediately."
This week, Mr. Ing. František Zugar, father of our Chief Physician, Dr. Radan Zugar, underwent cataract surgery at our clinic. Mr. Zugar, who will be 71 this year, has joined the ranks of relatives and friends of our staff who have placed their utmost trust in us and entrusted themselves to our care.
Dr. Radan Zugar, our outstanding surgeon and Chief Physician at Eye Centre Prague, performed the cataract removal for his father.
For Mr. František Zugar, having his son as the surgeon was a great advantage, and he shared about his experience: “Although I initially had some concerns about the surgery itself, knowing whose hands I was in made my nervousness in the operating room fade almost immediately.” He felt very good after the surgery and, as a thank-you, invited his son to lunch right afterward. However, the biggest moment came the next day when the bandage was removed, and he looked at the world with “new eyes” – he says he now sees like he did in his youth.
Dr. Zugar recommended implanting the SBL-3 Dual Optic multifocal intraocular lens for his father’s cataract surgery. This lens, developed in collaboration with the American manufacturer Lentec, offers the unique advantage of 0.25 diopter increments, providing patients with more precise and high-quality vision than lenses from other manufacturers. Mr. Zugar will now truly “see like he did in his youth,” as he won’t need glasses for either reading or distance vision.
And how did Dr. Zugar feel performing the surgery? “I tried to approach my father’s surgery as I would with any regular patient. This helped me avoid any nerves,” he says with a smile and adds, “I’m very happy I could perform the surgery and give my dad new sight.”
At OCP, we strive to deliver only the highest quality of care and approach each of our patients with 100% commitment. Simply put, we believe in what we do!