Press Release: World Diabetes Day - November 14
14.11.2022November 14 marks World Diabetes Day, and in the field of ophthalmology, we would like to remind everyone that diabetes has a significant impact on eye health.
Číst vícePress Release: October 13, 2022 - World Sight Day
12.10.2022Love your eyes, says World Sight Day! This year, it falls on October 13, 2022, and highlights the importance of prevention.10 Tips for Caring for Your Eyes
Číst více
13.06.2022We bring you a 'READING TIP' - a special supplement for Seniors published in MF DNES. Inside, you will find interesting articles about eye diseases that threaten seniors.
Číst víceWe have reaffirmed our ISO quality certification
30.05.2022An independent supervisory audit of our quality management system confirmed the long-standing quality of care at Eye Centre Prague, and we have thus reaffirmed our ISO 9001:2015 quality certification.
Číst víceMichal Janek, MD, has received an award for his lifetime contribution to ophthalmology
19.04.2022Our surgeon, doctor Michal Janek, received an amazing award for his lifetime contribution to ophthalmology. The award was presented to him by Professor Pavel Rozsíval during the Zlín Eye Festival.
Číst víceHelp for Ukraine
10.03.2022As part of our social responsibility and support for democracy, we contributed the amount of 200,000 CZK to help Ukraine.
Číst víceDny prevence zraku
29.11.2021Po roční pauze opět proběhly Dny prevence zraku, v rámci kterých jsme vyšetřovali zrak příslušníkům záchranných složek.
Číst víceNew unique glaucoma surgeries
18.06.2021We have become the first private center in the Czech Republic to perform glaucoma surgeries using a new method, in which unique titanium micro-implants, called iStents, are implanted into the eye.
Číst víceOdborníci OCP radí v příloze "Senioři"
15.06.2021Odborníci OCP radí ohledně prevence zraku u seniorů ve speciální příloze MF DNES - Senioři.
Číst víceNávštěva u amerického výrobce Lenstec
03.06.2021Předseda představenstva na návštěvě u amerického výrobce nitroočních implantátů Lenstec.
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