Comprehensive eye care
The previous belief that only individuals who wear glasses need an eye doctor is somewhat misguided. Each of us begins to experience declining vision at least from the age of fifty, but often earlier, and shortly thereafter, everyone needs glasses, at least for reading. In older age, the risk of serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma or retinal diseases, also increases.
The recommended frequency for preventive eye examinations varies, of course, depending on age and associated conditions, both ocular and general. Generally, it can be said that in younger age, it is advisable to visit an eye doctor once every two to three years. Later, around the age of 40, this should occur more frequently, at least once a year. Individuals with a higher risk of any eye disease, such as severe refractive error, diabetes, or a family history of eye diseases, should definitely not neglect preventive examinations. Many eye diseases are quite treatable if detected in time. The sooner treatment begins, the better the expected results.
Part of a comprehensive professional eye examination includes determining both objective and subjective refraction, followed by testing vision at both distance and near, measuring intraocular pressure, examining the anterior segment of the eye, and the fundus, usually in dilation, using a slit lamp. If necessary, additional examinations are indicated, such as visual field testing or OCT imaging of the retina or optic nerve.
So don’t wait any longer and schedule a thorough preventive examination now! Your vision will be in good hands!