Treatment of AMD - Age-related macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a very serious retinal disease and the most common cause of severe vision loss in older individuals. In developed countries, it is even the leading cause of practical blindness.
In macular degeneration, the so-called yellow spot (the central part of the retina) is affected. The disease occurs in two forms—dry and wet—with the "wet" form progressing very rapidly and capable of destroying vision within weeks or months. With timely recognition of this disease, modern medications can help halt vision loss.
Timely diagnosis is crucial. Therefore, individuals over 50 should regularly undergo comprehensive eye examinations, including specialized optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the retina, which provides detailed imaging of the histological structure of the retina and the functionality of all its layers. OCT angiography can detect eye diseases in their early stages, when the patient may not yet experience any symptoms.
Patients can also test for this disease at home using an Amsler grid. It is ideal to perform this test regularly, even daily.
Symptoms of age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Initially, AMD may manifest subtly—such as deterioration in vision during twilight and darkness, slightly blurred vision, and colors appearing less vibrant than before. This is particularly concerning for those who already wear glasses, as they may mistakenly attribute the early symptoms to "normal" vision decline. Age-related macular degeneration often affects only one eye first, which also decreases the likelihood of subjective recognition of its symptoms. Patients with advanced AMD frequently experience significant vision loss. The second eye may be affected over the following years, with the risk increasing by 10% each year. After five years, about half of the patients will have involvement in the second eye, and after ten years, bilateral involvement is certain.
The first subjectively noticeable symptoms of age-related macular degeneration include blurred vision, grayish spots in the central visual field, unusually distorted images, or wavy, bent lines and letters. From the very onset of this disease, patients lose the ability to read, recognize familiar faces, distinguish colors, and perceive shapes as distorted.
Example of Vision with AMD
Treatment of macular degeneration
Unfortunately, macular degeneration cannot be completely cured (i.e., it is not possible to fully restore visual functions and normal vision), but the disease can be effectively slowed down and its progression halted. Timely detection of the disease is essential, which is why it is important for individuals over the age of 50 to undergo regular eye examinations, including OCT (optical coherence tomography) of the retina.
In the case of the wet form of the disease, biological treatment is employed, during which intraocular injections of anti-VEGF agents are administered. This biological treatment prevents swelling and bleeding in the retina while also inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels. The application of intraocular injections is completely painless, as the eye is numbed with drops.
The treatment for the dry form of macular degeneration is conservative. Patients are advised to take dietary supplements containing lutein, which can typically be purchased at pharmacies.